Did you know that you can identify yourself at your DKV health centre without having to carry your physical card with you?

Are you one of those people who have their wallet full of cards? That is now a thing of the past. At least when it comes to your health insurance card. Remember that you can download your medical card on your mobile device to identify yourself as a customer at any clinic or healthcare centre. To do so, just download our DKV Activa app, and forget about your physical card forever —avoiding it from getting lost or deteriorating it— and access it in two clicks. Don't know how to do it? A call to peace of mind! It's very easy. Simply open your DKV Activa app and click on the "Card" section that you'll see on the screen's bottom menu.
What more things can you do in your DKV Healthcare Activa app?
You don't just have to settle for carrying your DKV healthcare card with you on your mobile phone. You can also carry out procedures without travelling or waiting, such as chatting with your doctor or paediatrician whenever you need it, receiving your diagnosis and electronic prescription to go to the nearest pharmacy, requesting and checking the status of your authorisations and reimbursements or calculating your Healthy Lifestyle Index.